Saturday, May 29, 2010

Where Has All the Fear Gone!

From a facebook Note! Enjoy

There are certain ppl we fear in our lifes. They could be our parents, our spouse, our siblings or even some of your friends and loved ones. With these ppl you know there are certain things you just can't do, just cos you fear to see them hurt or dissapointed with you. Not just the fear of hurting them, but also the fear of being disciplined by them if you disobey.

The question now is 'Where has all the fear gone when it comes to God, the one who created us and all the people we tend to even revere more than HIM?'. I have asked myself this question all week. And the more I think about it, I realise how powerful God is. He can do and undo. When He says yes, no man can say No. He is the mighty man in battle. The Bible in many instances talks about the wrath of God. Why don't we read those??? It's simple..

It is mind buggling that this God who loves us so much could also be such a disciplinarian. This God is able to take your life in just a second and you will not have any say in it. He is also able to take everything you hold dear, if that's what it will take Him to get you to live in the perfect plan He has for you. Shouldn't we make conscious effort to fear this God???? There are times our parents deprived us of things we really wanted if we did not act appropriately. Do you not think that if our earthly fathers would love us to obey them that the King of Kings would want that toooooo??

Today we have really gotten carried away by the love of God that we no more focus on the fact that he chastises those he loves. We quote the scriptures that talk about his love more than the ones that talk about his wrath. We have focussed on the 1 John 1:9 which says 'if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us', but have ignored Romans 6:1 where we are asked 'What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?'.

I'm guilty of focusing so much on God's love and forgetting my actions come with consequences. They may be pleasant or unpleasant. His love is what will pull me through the unpleasant situation while I deal with it, but His love does not erase the effect of my actions. For example, you cheat in an examination and get caught. God will forgive you when you ask for forgiveness. But it does not imply that you will not have to face the school board or possibly get kicked out of school. This simple example applies to so many decisions we make and actions we take in life.

Yes GOD IS LOVE.. We can't deny that. Why don't we consider loving him back by obeying His word? His words, His princples and laws are all for our good. Do we take His words seriously or has it become 'same old' to us? Obeying them is where we get the wisdom. Looking at areas where I missed God, I can truly say I would have escaped all the pain and hurt if only I chose to fear Him and obey His words. We need to seek a balance in our knowledge of the word of God. While we can't totally rule out his love, we do not have to loose sight of the consequences of our actions. God wants us to fear Him cos it is truly the beginning of wisdom. It is only the person you have some form of fear and respect for that you will obey .

Our walk with God is still a journey we work on perfecting everyday including me. We are not perfect but we can strive to be. We need wisdom everyday in all we do. Wisdom has nothing to do with your level of intelligence, however it is your ablilty to apply the knowlegde you have. The world today is overloaded with information and knowledge but really lacks Wisdom. Lets seek wisdom which begins with fearing God.

Have you been finding it hard obeying God???? Do you love Him? Do you fear hurting HIM?

God Bless.


  1. Awww, awesome really inspiring piece,nice picture!!

  2. this is really true. This applies to everyone many times we take advantage of God's love. Very nice write up
